[ROM] COSMIC For Galaxy Core Duos | Custom rom yang paling mantap untuk galaxy core duos dan juga minim bug disini ada dua build atau dua versi jika sobat ingin update ke versi 2 wajib instal versi 1 dahulu,
1. Rooted
2. De-bloated
3. Zip-aligned & Signed
4. De-odexed [ theme-able ]
5. Extreme Bare-boned -> only 74 apps & 2 ringtones & 2 alarm tones [rom size :- ]
6. Init.d Support
7. KitKat themed framework
8. AOSP Apps -> Apollo, Browser, Calender, Download, Keyboard, etc.
9. Cyanogenmod 10 DSP manager & Bootanimation
10. Root File Manager
11. Holo Kitkat themed Camera, Clock, Dailer & Contacts, Gallery, Player and Settings.
12. Dark PlayStore
13. Ultra Smooth & Ultimate Performance.
14. Apex Launcher as default.
15. Removed all Touchwizz Contents and disabled preload apps on boot.
16. Removed statusbar sim icons [1,2]
17. And some Advanced features!
1. Exact Replica of Android Lollipop Framework.
2. Android Lollipop animations added to framework [ like list ,checkbox,radio button,etc..]
3. Optimised framework with 200 dpi as default
4. New Statusbar L Theme
5. Moto G styled Expanded toggles
6. Profile Picture and Name in statusbar toogle view.
7. Lollipop themed apps
8. Lollipop Easter Egg [ improved one - now set difficulty levels... ]
9. Phone and Others apps are optimised for 200dpi.
10. Lollipop wallpapers added to stock wallpaper app.
12. Bug fixes like dual sim wallpaper , gallery slideshow fc fixed and many others..
13. Many more i forget just feel the lollipop awesomeness
Cara Instal :
- Wipe data
- Format data
- Wipe Cache
- Wipe dalvik
- Instal Rom BUILD 1
- Reboot
- Sampai Homescreen Reboot ke Recovery
- Wipe Cache dan Dalvik
- Instal Rom Build 2
- Reboot device
Donwload Link :
[ROM] COSMIC For Galaxy Core Duos
Gan hp saya core 2 apakah sama dalam melakukan cara tersebut
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